10 Amazing Jimi Hendrix Deep Cuts


I’d like to do a little write-up in honor of the new album of mostly new and restored recordings of Jimi Hendrix. I have been a Hendrix fan for many years and have always felt like we were kindred spirits. I’d like to take a moment and talk about the Hendrix road less traveled  The deep cuts. The amazing songs that no one knows about, presented in roughly chronological order.  Of course this is not a real top 10, but I couldn’t resist the urge to go for the cheap “listicle” format.  People will read the top ten of anything.

Songs I will not be including: Foxy Lady, Manic Depression, Fire, Purple Haze, The Wind Cries Mary, Castles Made of Sand, Crosstown Traffic, or Voodoo Chile (Slight Return). Those songs are amazing, everyone’s heard them.

Because of his hits, people consider Jimi some kind of superhuman voodoo sex machine (which he probably was), but these cuts point out the sweet, loving sci-fi nerd deep within Jimi. This is the Jimi I’ve always seen.

1. May This Be Love

This is Jimi’s ode to daydreaming, and is basically a love song to an inner spiritual guide he calls “Waterfall”. This originally only appeared on the US and not the UK versions of Are You Experienced, making it an ideal deep cut. It features some of the amazing, watery, mellow guitar Jimi excelled at. There’s a plodding, thick drumbeat wherein he tells “Waterfall” why he thinks it is so damn groovy, and then an impassioned defense of daydreamers. Gorgeous and uplifting from the first moment to the last.

2. Wait Until Tomorrow

Jimi shows up atop a ladder to elope with his love, Dolly Mae, and she tells him that she thinks they should think about it one more day. With predictably fatal results.

3. Up From The Skies

This is Jimi’s plea for aliens to contact him. Mitch Mitchell drops in a soft-brushed drumbeat while Jimi plays some of the grooviest and subtlest guitar while he tells the aliens that he wants to “hear and see everything”. I said it was groovy and I meant it.

4. Little Miss Lover

Why this wasn’t a single, I have no idea, since to me it stands right along other, more famous barn burners like Foxy Lady or Fire. This is, in my mind, the sexiest Hendrix song ever recorded.

5. Bold as Love

God knows how many drugs Jimi was on when he came up with the concept for the album Axis: Bold as Love. There’s a line in Bold as Love (the song) where Jimi says, “I’m bold as love, just ask the axis,” so presumably the title of the album (Axis: Bold As Love) is the response in screenplay format.

Jimi goes through the colors a couple of times in the lyrics, and then finally, at the end, explodes into one of psychedelic rock’s formative moments when he blows the whole world’s mind by pioneering the “phase effect”. I wish you could be high on LSD for just… just the four minutes and 12 seconds it takes to play this song so you could really, you know, get it man. And then get back to work cause it’s not fucking 1967 anymore. Yeah.

6. Burning of the Midnight Lamp

Jimi Hendrix was so far out that he actually thought this paon to the depths of inner loneliness was going to be a hit song. It is a sincere and beautiful song with heartfelt lyrics describing his isolation at the time. It’s a great song, I think, but the kids don’t run out and buy albums written by Debbie Downer.

7. 1983 … (A Merman I Should Turn To Be) / Moon Turn The Tides … gently gently away

I’m pretty sure this song actually made a label suit actually cry at one point. It’s a 14 minute multi-movement sci-fi epic about retreating to an undersea realm because of the horrors of war and includes a several minute long tone-poem depicting reality underwater.

In the first movement (up to about the 3 minute mark) Jimi describes the sad state the world has got itself into and why the powers that be don’t think going underwater is a viable idea. Then in the next movement, Jimi describes his lover and he making love in the sand as they prepare to say goodbye to the world they’ve known.

At about the four and a half mark, a soundscape begins as they go down into the sea with all kinds of eerie sounds. At the 6 minute mark, guitar and melody begin to come back including a drum solo (8 minute mark) and really gorgeous little bass solo played by Jimi himself (9:30).

At about the 11 minute mark the next movement begins where Jimi and his love are now under water going deeper and deeper, chilling with Neptune and various mermaids and such. Hey this didn’t turn out so bad after all.

Finally in the last minute or so Jimi sends us out with one last shredding guitar solo which ends in oscillating bird sounding electronic noises which lead into (if you want extra credit) the next song, a one minute set of oscillating tones called Moon, Turn The Tides … gently gently away. Whew. And they pressed this to wax! In 1968!


8. Power of Love

By this point The Jimi Hendrix experience was over, and Jimi was jamming with blues great Buddy Miles. He owed the label one album and gave them Band of Gypsys, taken from two nights of recordings on New Years Eve ’69/’70 at the Fillmore East here in New York City. I put this song on a mix-tape for a 4 year old once, and didn’t have any idea what he was talking about when he referred to “the jellyfish song”. Well, eventually I finally caught that part of the lyrics:

It’s so groovy to float around sometimes
Even a jelly fish will tell you that
I said floatation is groovy, and easy
Even a jelly fish will agree to that
Yeah, but that old jelly fish
Been floatin’ around so long
Lord he ain’t got a bone in his jelly back
Floatin’ every day and every night
Ridin’ high is a risk
Sometimes the wind ain’t right

Don’t get put off by the pyrotechnics that start the song, it settles into a deep blues groove as he lays out the power of love. One of my all time favorite Jimi Hendrix songs.

9. My Friend

A world-weary Hendrix wrote one of the most hilarious of his songs, about being out on the road. The conversation in the beginning is simulated, and you can even hear Hendrix himself jabbering a little in the background pretending to be a regular joe at one of his shows.

The song begins: a lady of the night (bourbon and coke possessed words) recognizes him and says “haven’t I seen you somewhere in hell?” and “before [he] can ask, ‘was it the east or west side?'” he’s run over by her cart. In the third act he “just got out of a Scandinavian jail, and I’m on way back home to you”.

He ruefully reminds us in the refrain that his only friend talks, sees, looks and feels like you, and you do just the same as him. What happened to “waterfall” right? I truly love this song, and if there was any justice in the world it would be in every karaoke book in the world.

10. Angel

I will end with a beautiful love song about an angel.

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: 10 Amazing Jimi Hendrix Deep Cuts
it's categorized as: _ My Personal Classics, Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Never Trust a Man With a Butter Knife, a Plastic Butter Knife


  1. I’m starting to warm up to this whole new Big Boi album, Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors
  2. This song Gossip is straight up amazing.
  3. How high was this man when he made up the part about never trusting a man with a plastic butter knife.

I’m actually posting this song because none of the versions of it online have the “plastic butter knife” lead out.  Also everyone should listen to it.  And then the whole album.  Cause I said so.

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/16-Gossip-featuring-UGK-and-Big-K.R.mp3|titles=Big Boi – Gossip]

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as a reminder, it was called: Never Trust a Man With a Butter Knife, a Plastic Butter Knife
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Worthwhile Jazz Deconstructions of Songs You Probably Know

(note: None of the songs are actually ON the Jazz and 80’s album, I just think it’s a cool cover.  Also sex sells.  Not that I’m selling anything.)

I was just listening to this brand new Jazz album by the Vijay Iyer Trio, and on it they have a great cover of Micheal Jackson’s Human Nature.  I love how they keep the song recognizable, but then evolve into their own exploration of the song’s musical themes.  I think that a good jazz cover respects the original song, but still tears it apart and puts it back together again somehow.

It made me think of several songs that do something similar that I’ve come to appreciate over the years.

The Bad Plus is probably the most famous for their Smells Like Teen Spirit cover, which is great, but I’m partial to their amazing cover of the Tears For Fears song, Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

Of course I had to have a Beatles song, and there’s no lack of Beatles covers of any genre in this world, but I particularly like the somewhat insane version of A Day In The Life by Grant Green.

Charlie Hunter’s Come As You Are cover starts with the Smells Like Teen Spirit riff, but is in fact a groovy cover of the (slightly) lesser known song.

The rest, just enjoy.  I think every one has a little something special.

Listen as a playlist:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Human-Nature1.mp3,http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Everybody-Wants-To-Rule-The-World.mp3,http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/05-A-Day-In-The-Life.mp3,http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/11-Live-to-Tell.mp3, http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Come-As-You-Are.mp3,http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Knives-Out.mp3,http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/03-Isobel.mp3|titles=Vijay Iyer Trio – Human Nature,The Bad Plus – Everybody Wants To Rule The World,Grant Green – A Day In The Life,Bill Frisell – Live to Tell,Charlie Hunter Trio – Come As You Are,Brad Mehldao Trio – Knives Out,Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey – Isobel]

Or listen to the songs individually:

Human Nature (Micheal Jackson) as covered by the Vijay Iyer Trio

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Human-Nature1.mp3|titles=Vijay Iyer Trio – Human Nature]

Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Tears For Fears) as covered by The Bad Plus

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Everybody-Wants-To-Rule-The-World.mp3|titles=The Bad Plus – Everybody Wants To Rule The World]

A Day in the Life (The Beatles) as covered by Grant Green

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/05-A-Day-In-The-Life.mp3|titles=Grant Green – A Day In The Life]

Live To Tell (Madonna) as covered by the Bill Frisell

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/11-Live-to-Tell.mp3|titles=Bill Frisell – Live to Tell]

Come As You Are (Nirvana) as covered by the Charlie Hunter Trio

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Come-As-You-Are.mp3|titles=Charlie Hunter Trio – Come As You Are]

Day is Done (Radiohead) as covered by the Brad Mehldao Trio

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Knives-Out.mp3|titles=Brad Mehldao Trio – Knives Out]

Isobel (Björk) as covered by Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/03-Isobel.mp3|titles=Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey – Isobel]

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: Worthwhile Jazz Deconstructions of Songs You Probably Know
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

Snob Shorties

I’ve been loving Grimes (gorgeous 80’s throwback beats with lovely choral-like singing),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/02-Genesis.mp3|titles=Grimes – Genesis]

Future Islands (clangy rock band with a singer who has a unique, passionate growl),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-On-The-Water.mp3|titles=Future Islands – On The Water]

Emika (totally sexy, dirty singing and non-boring electronic music),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-3-Hours.mp3|titles=Emika – 3 Hours]

Wye Oak (passionate female singer and music that alternates between mellow pop and total guitar squall.  so pretty and personal),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/05-Civilian.mp3|titles=Wye Oak – Civilian]

White Denim (a really cool, creative rock and roll band.  this is one of their mellower songs) also has a cool website,

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-Street-Joy.mp3|titles=White Denim – Street Joy]

Metronomy (bratty little beach rock songs with a sweet singer.  if you like that Gotye song then you’ll like these guys),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/04-The-Look.mp3|titles=Metronomy – The Look]

Eleanor Friedburger (a folk-singer who used to sing with her brother for The Fiery Furnaces.  now she just writes clever songs that put me in a good mood),

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/02-Inn-Of-The-Seventh-Ray.mp3|titles=Eleanor Friedburger – Inn Of The Seventh Ray]

and Danny Brown (a nasty rapper, with a rap about his love for licking kitties).

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/06-I-Will.mp3|titles=Danny Brown – I Will]

I’ve been loving TV shows like Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Archer, and Downton Abbey.

I’ve been loving New York restaurants like Peaches, Saraghina, brgr, Kennedy Fried Chicken, crazy Caribbean places, M. Shanghai Bistro, Tipsy Parson, and Rachel’s.

I’ve been loving movies like Days of Heaven, Pina 3D, and Temple Grandin.

I’ve even seen a real broadway show: Venus in Fur.

Maybe some day I’ll even write about some of that stuff.

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: Snob Shorties
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Video From My NYC Birthday Brother

Met an old Seattle friend. She dragged me home to do kitchen counter-top karaoke with her housemates. (Hi Sunde! (pictured above))

One of them, Thomas had my same birthday (May 9th) and in our drunken YouTube-ings, he brought up this awesome video from the early 70’s of French pop star Adriano Celentano hamming it up to total nonsense in this video. I’ve watched it like a dozen times already.  Turns out this guy has been huge in Italy for 40 years, and he’s been in movies from La Dolce Vita to playing satan in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ.

Witness the 70’s goodness:



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as a reminder, it was called: Video From My NYC Birthday Brother
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link to it, please: Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Indie One Hit Wonders

These aren’t even hits, technically.

I listen to a whole metric crapload of new music, and I’m really diligent about marking songs with a star-rating when something really pops out for me.  Later, I go back and see that plenty of times only one song stood out to me.  These songs are often spectacular in some way, but the rest of the album just doesn’t even register as something I want to write about.

These are some songs I’ve totally fallen in love with but ultimately can’t recommend the rest of the album.

First up is indie darling Bear in Heaven, from their album Beast Rest Forth Mouth.  They were indie darlings last year, but they just sounded generic to me.  However, this song You Do You just sounds like some amazing modern Genesis song (minus Phil Collins):

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/03-You-Do-You.mp3|titles=Bear in Heaven – You Do You]

Next is from Blackroc, a vanity project by otherwise awesome The Black Keys working with a bunch of otherwise awesome rappers like Mos Def, RZA, and Q-Tip.  Sounded great but nothing really quite moved me except for the back-from-the-grave collaboration with some old recording from Ol’ Dirty Bastard and a nice verse by Ludacris.  It’s a crass rap called Coochie as in “That Coochie got me so confused I don’t know what to do.”  Note the reverb-dripping Black Keys licks.

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Coochie-ODB-and-Ludacris.mp3|titles=Blackroc – Coochie (ODB and Ludacris)]

When this song, Fortune Teller by Forest Fire came on, I was so convinced this album was going to blow me away.   It didn’t.  But I still love this song about “melting faces with gatlin’ gun social skills,” that asks the musical question, “why not kill someone you hate?”  I’ve been feeling like this socially a lot lately.

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/02-Fortune-Teller.mp3|titles=Forest Fire – Fortune Teller]

Really this whole album by Citay is not bad at all, but nothing else on the album quite carries the spirit of an Angelic Choir led by a leaderless Van Halen.  Check the lovely instramental Careful With That Hat:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/01-Careful-With-That-Hat.mp3|titles=Citay – Careful With That Hat]

Okay, this song is a tour de force.  I can’t even believe someone good enough to do a song like this would do the rest of the songs on his album On Blue Fog as kind of a regular folk album.  The guy is Andew Ethier, and the one hit wonder is a song called On Lies.  I am not shitting you, this song is amazing top to bottom.  Amazing guitar work, amazing Dylanesque singing that runs from growl to howl like necessary, and a spectacular sax solo near the end.  This is a 6:15 journey that I wouldn’t mind being on the soundtrack to my autobiography:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/06-On-Lies.mp3|titles=Andrew Ethier – On Lies]

Anyone else have any indie one hit wonders to recommend?   Disagree and think one of these artists has other awesome stuff?  Like or hate one of these songs?

Let me know.

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as a reminder, it was called: Indie One Hit Wonders
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Can’t Help Leaking Fleet Foxes

Today I woke up to find out the whole new Fleet Foxes album, Helplessness Blues had leaked.  I had to have it.  Say what you want about the Fleet Foxes.  Maybe you’re never in the mood for this kind of music, and consider it too precious or pastoral, but to me the far worse sins in music are being offhand or unenduring.  Fleet Foxes and their new album Helplessness Blues are none of these things.

A few people out there have been playing Bedouin Dress or Battery Kinzie, but I’d like to feature the epic, and probably most experimental (and one of two songs with a slash dividing the title of the song in two.  See also: The Plains / Bitter Dancer).

This is sing is called The Shrine / An Argument, and clocks in at a humble 8:07.  It’s got everything that makes the Fleet Foxes the Fleet Foxes, you know, lovely vocal harmonies, and Robin singing his heart out about nature or some shit.  A cover that makes to look like LSD is a required ingredient for enjoying the album.  Plus some squalling, discordant horns and some other weird noises.  But… would I present this to you if it wasn’t a badass, manly hunk of song?  No, I wouldn’t.  Be among the first to enjoy this fine song:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/TheShrine_AnArgument.mp3|titles=Fleet Foxes – The Shrine / An Argument]

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: Can’t Help Leaking Fleet Foxes
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Cold Wars

I noticed recently that both The Morning Benders and Janelle Monae released songs called Cold War on their new albums.

Both are great:

Janelle Monae’s:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/06-Cold-War.mp3|titles=Janelle Monae – Cold War]

The Morning Benders:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/04-Cold-War.mp3|titles=The Morning Benders – Cold War]

So, I started wondering what other songs were out there called Cold War, since it seemed like a potent theme.

Not surprisingly, there were quite a few in the 1980’s, so I listened to all I could find, and thought Snobby readers might find them interesting.

First of all, the venerable Devo, who actually just released a new album, from their album Freedom of Choice:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/08-Cold-War.mp3|titles=Devo – Cold War]

Then, The Vapors (of Turning Japanese fame), with a pretty damn likable Cold War song:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/03-Cold-War.mp3|titles=The Vapors – Cold War]

And, a kind of lukewarm Styx (of Mr. Roboto fame) version:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/02-Cold-War1.mp3|titles=Styx – Cold War]

And an intense 2000 dark techno version by Funker Vogt:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/07-Cold-War.mp3|titles=Funker Vogt – Cold War]

Also wouldn’t want to leave out a remix of The Morning Benders version (Called the Winter Remix) that I really like:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Cold-War-Winter-Remix.mp3|titles=The Morning Benders – Cold War (Winter Remix)]

Last, and kinda least, but worth a mention, a rareish 11 minute The Antlers song recently called Cold War (a minor work, but still interesting for completeness):

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/02-Cold-War.mp3|titles=The Antlers – Cold War (Daytrotter Session)]

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: Cold Wars
it's categorized as: Songs
link to it, please: Monday, July 19th, 2010

ceo – Come With Me

What a sweet little song, and weird little video. If you like this, the rest of the “White Magic” album will probably work for you too.

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as a reminder, it was called: ceo – Come With Me
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Friday, July 9th, 2010

A Summer in 3/4 Time

Oh Jens, this is divine!

Jens Lekman, normally writes and sings his own lovely songs (and tells insanely cute stories about how they were written while he sings them).

But he also remixes other people’s songs like Au Revoir Simone’s song “Shadows”.

While he was remixing it, he decided to convert the song from straight 4/4 time, into a more waltz-like 3/4 time.

While he was playing around, he started thinking of all these other songs in 3/4 and 6/8 time, and decided to make one big 28-minute Girl Talk-y-mashup-in-slo-mo of them all as a waltzy summer jam just for us.  Thanks, Jens, it is just lovely.  I love that he adds a significant part of The Morning Benders’ Excuses, because I just love that song.

Feel free to listen to it right here:

[audio:http://thesweetsnob.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Jens_Lekman_-_a_summer__in_3-4_time.mp3|titles=Jens Lekman – A Summer in 3/4 Time]

And it’s also worth listening to the Au Revoir Simone remix itself.

this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: A Summer in 3/4 Time
it's categorized as: Reviews, Songs
link to it, please: Thursday, July 8th, 2010
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