NYC Mishaps


Almost everything has gone swimmingly here so far, but not everything.

A list of mishaps in no particular order:

  • I finally decided to pony up and put $50 on a subway card.  Those flimsy little pieces of crap.  It got stuck coming out of the machine and wouldn’t dispense.  Nothing to be done about it.  I just had to fill out some stupid paperwork and try and claim my $50.  I called the phone number and they said they’re backlogged and it takes at least 3 weeks to process the thing.  Maybe it’ll be a nice surprise a month from now.
  • The wonderful person who helped me hustle my stuff into storage dropped my computer from about two feet off the ground.  “Hehehe,” she said, “I’m sure it will be ok.”  It wasn’t.  My computer is totally broken and won’t even load the bios.  Ow.  That one hurt.
  • My old iPhone 3Gs has been chugging along just fine… even after many drops on the head.  I’m trying to make it last until I can buy a 4S, but they still don’t come out for several days.  Now it has almost no battery life, and the headphone jack is broken (I think it stopped working the day Steve Jobs died!) and I’m limping along on no music here in NYC.
  • Nobody is calling me back on apartments.  I’ve called and emailed several places and… crickets.
Otherwise, though, things are going swimmingly.  I’ve been seeing great music, good movies, cool people, and generally just living it up.  And… I’m excited to go to work Monday at Bandwidth Productions.


this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: NYC Mishaps
it's categorized as: NYC
link to it, please: Saturday, October 8th, 2011

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