The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt

The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt

Ok, say it and let’s just get it over. He sounds like a young Dylan. Or like he’s trying really hard to sound like one.

Yes, he kinda sounds like a young Bob Dylan, but he’s kind of passionate in a way that Dylan never was.

Plus, I like it when my girl says, “Who is this?” and I can say with a straight face: it’s The Tallest Man on Earth.

[audio:|titles=The Tallest Man on Earth – You’re Going Back]

Edit: I just wanted to add one more song… this one is pretty amazing too.

[audio:|titles=The Tallest Man on Earth – King Of Spain]
this blog post is now over, thank you for reading.
as a reminder, it was called: The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt
it's categorized as: Albums, Reviews
link to it, please: Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

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